Dental veneers are one of the tooth restoration options offered by Dr. Zaruhi Shahbazyan, DDS at Shahbazyan Dental Studio in Fresno, CA.
Veneers are tooth-colored shells that are permanently bonded to the front surfaces of teeth to improve their appearance. Since veneers are a cosmetic solution used to treat cracked, chipped, discolored, or smaller-than-average teeth, they are typically only used on the top 8 front teeth. The color, shape, and size of the veneers can be customized to match the rest of your teeth.

The process of getting veneers involves several steps spread out over several appointments. First, we will prepare your teeth by removing some of the enamel. This will create space for the veneers. Next, a mold will be taken of your teeth. This will be sent to the lab for the fabrication of your veneers, which takes several weeks. While you are waiting for your permanent veneers to come in, you will be given temporary ones. When the permanent ones are returned to the office, the temporary ones will be removed, and the permanent ones placed.
There are several different types of veneers:
Composite resin
After getting veneers, you may feel strange- this is perfectly normal. In fact, many patients report having this feeling because they’ve been ashamed of their smile for so long, it’s hard to get used to being able to smile without worry. However, this should only last for a couple of weeks. The veneers may feel bulky for the first few days- but this will resolve as you get adjusted to them.
In this article, we’ll be discussing the differences between porcelain and composite resin. We believe that porcelain, while more expensive, is the better option between the two.
Porcelain vs. Composite Resin Veneers
Ceramic, stain-resistant, looks/feels natural, conservative, minimally invasive, if damaged the veneer must be replaced, takes several appointments
Strong but not as durable as porcelain, not stain-resistant, more conservative- if the veneer is damaged, it can be repaired, can be done in one-day
- File/trim natural teeth to create space for the veneers
- Take impressions to send to the lab
- Place temporary veneers
- Remove temporary veneers and clean teeth
- Ensure permanent veneers fit properly
- Etch teeth to create something for permanent veneers to grip to
- Apply permanent dental adhesive
- Place permanent veneers
- Harden cement with blue light
- Remove excess cement from teeth
There are two types of composite resin veneers: direct and indirect.
The process for placing direct composite resin veneers is:
- File/trim natural teeth to create space for the veneers
- Composite resin is placed on each tooth and shaped accordingly
There is a second type of composite resin veneer: indirect. This process is the same as porcelain veneers.
Ideal for patients who have cosmetic issues with their teeth: discoloration, problems with size/shape, or damage.
Ideal for patients who have cosmetic issues with their teeth: discoloration, problems with size/shape, or damage.
10 to 15 years, up to 20 with proper care and maintenance
5 to 7 years, up to 10 years with proper care and maintenance
May feel bulky at first, but this feeling should resolve in a few days.
Looks/feels natural
May feel bulky at first, but this feeling should resolve in a few days.
What to expect
Ceramic, stain-resistant, looks/feels natural, conservative, minimally invasive, if damaged the veneer must be replaced, takes several appointments
Composite Resin
Strong but not as durable as porcelain, not stain-resistant, more conservative- if the veneer is damaged, it can be repaired, can be done in one-day
- File/trim natural teeth to create space for the veneers
- Take impressions to send to the lab
- Place temporary veneers
- Remove temporary veneers and clean teeth
- Ensure permanent veneers fit properly
- Etch teeth to create something for permanent veneers to grip to
- Apply permanent dental adhesive
- Place permanent veneers
- Harden cement with blue light
- Remove excess cement from teeth
Composite Resin
There are two types of composite resin veneers: direct and indirect.
The process for placing direct composite resin veneers is:
- File/trim natural teeth to create space for the veneers
- Composite resin is placed on each tooth and shaped accordingly
There is a second type of composite resin veneer: indirect. This process is the same as porcelain veneers.
$500 to $2,500 per tooth
$500 to $2,500 per tooth
Composite Resin
$250 to $1,500 per tooth
10 to 15 years, up to 20 with proper care and maintenance
Composite Resin
5 to 7 years, up to 10 years with proper care and maintenance
Composite Resin
Up to 20 years
May feel bulky at first, but this feeling should resolve in a few days.
Looks/feels natural
Composite Resin
May feel bulky at first, but this feeling should resolve in a few days.
Are Veneers Permanent?
Dental veneers are a permanent solution to cosmetic imperfections in that they cannot be removed easily. This is because, while they are wafer-thin shells, the dentist must file down some of the enamel to create space for them.
However, it is important to note that this is not the most durable solution. On average, with proper care, veneers typically last 15 to 20 years, depending on your personal hygiene habits. Brushing and flossing can prevent staining and breakage.
How Much do Veneers Cost?
The cost of dental veneers ranges from $250 to $2,500 per tooth. Typically, composite resin veneers are on the lower end, starting at $250 and going up to $1,500. Porcelain veneers range from $500 to $2,500.
If you have certain underlying dental issues, these may need to be addressed before veneers can be placed, which will increase the cost of the procedure.
Most dental insurance providers do not cover dental veneers because it is considered a cosmetic procedure. There are no functional benefits associated with veneers.
Schedule Your Consultation with Dr. Shahbazyan Today
If you are interested in improving your smile with dental veneers, call today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Shahbazyan and the team today. We will evaluate your smile and explain your options. We are conveniently located on North Cedar Avenue in Fresno.
Our office hours are Monday through Thursday 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. We look forward to working with you to give you the smile you’ve always wanted.
Dental Veneers FAQs
At Shahbazyan Dental Studio in Fresno, CA, Dr. Shahbazyan and the team get a lot of questions about dental veneers and other cosmetic dental procedures. We believe that all patients should be informed about their procedures, so we are more than happy to discuss your questions and concerns. Below are some of the most common questions we get:
Dental veneers are a permanent solution to your cosmetic issues because of the prep work done to the natural teeth. However, they are not the most durable solution and will likely need to be replaced at some point. On average, veneers last from 5 to 20 years, depending on the material and how you care for them.
Typically, composite resin veneers last 5 to 7 years. However, with proper care, may last up to 10. On the other hand, porcelain veneers last 10 to 15 years- but with proper care, can last up to 20 years.
Dental veneers are a permanent solution for damaged or discolored teeth. They are placed on top of the teeth to cover up the imperfections. The dentist starts by removing approximately a millimeter of enamel, which is approximately the thickness of the veneer itself. Since veneers are a customized solution, we will take an impression of your teeth and send it to the lab. The fabrication process takes some time, so you will be given temporary veneers until the permanent ones come in. When we receive the permanent veneers, we will schedule you to come in for placement.
At this time, we will remove the temporary veneers and clean your teeth. Then, we will make sure that the permanent veneers fit properly. We will lightly etch the teeth to give the veneers something to grip to. Finally, we will put permanent adhesive on the veneers and place them on your teeth and you will finally have the perfect smile you’ve always dreamed of.
Dental veneers are a permanent solution for damaged or discolored teeth. They are placed on top of the teeth to cover up the imperfections. The dentist starts by removing approximately a millimeter of enamel, which is approximately the thickness of the veneer itself. Since veneers are a customized solution, we will take an impression of your teeth and send it to the lab. The fabrication process takes some time, so you will be given temporary veneers until the permanent ones come in. When we receive the permanent veneers, we will schedule you to come in for placement.
At this time, we will remove the temporary veneers and clean your teeth. Then, we will make sure that the permanent veneers fit properly. We will lightly etch the teeth to give the veneers something to grip to. Finally, we will put permanent adhesive on the veneers and place them on your teeth and you will finally have the perfect smile you’ve always dreamed of.
Dental veneers can be expensive and, since they are a cosmetic solution, they are typically not covered by dental insurance. However, many patients agree that they are well worth the expense because they improve the appearance of your smile by resolving severe discoloration, size issues, damage, gaps, and oddly shaped teeth.
Plus, while they do not last a lifetime, they do last for a long time before they need to be replaced.
The process of getting veneers is not painful at all. We will provide you with a local anesthetic for the first step when we file down some of the enamel. Most patients who get 2 to 4 veneers have little to no pain following the procedure. Patients who have 6 to 8 veneers may have some soreness in the gums and jaw, primarily because their mouth was open for so long. However, it is typically only mild discomfort, which can be relieved with
OTC pain medications.
We do everything we can to preserve as much of the natural teeth as possible, which means the teeth should look fairly normal. However, in some cases, teeth need to be trimmed down considerably, which means they may look like stumps. No matter what, once you have veneers, it’s almost impossible to go back to your natural teeth.